

A fan made board game based on Battle & Chase has been made!

I came across this amazing creation today and instantly knew I had to know more so I contacted the creator for a little on the spot interview to find out more!  But before we get to that... check out this amazing video he made to show it off!

Awesome right???  Now on to the interview!

MMW : First off, what is your name and where are you from? 😊

Peique : Peique Espíndola. Peique is my nickname and I'm from Brazil.

MMW : What was your first experience with Mega Man?  What inspired you to create this?

Peique : This might be a surprise but it was this year and to create this game. I wanted to create a Mega Man game because I always wanted to know more about the series. So, I started to read everything I could about the classic series and started to like it a lot. And that made me want to play the games. So I got Mega Man Legacy Collection 1 and started my journey on Mega Man 1. I've played every game in order and now I'm almost finishing Mega Man 7.

MMW : Ah well perfect... you answered my next question... what inspired you to start this.  lol

Peique : Hahaha awesome. There's you answer. 😆

MMW :  Is this something that is going to be for sale later on or just a one off?

Peique : For the time being, it's just a one off. It was created for playing with my friends and test my game design skills.

MMW : How long did it take to create what you've done so far?

Peique : Around six months or so.

MMW : Was this all created by you or do you have a team?

Peique : No. It was just me. But a lot of friends helped with play testing.

MMW : How did you make all the tracks and player pieces?

Peique : I used computer programs like Illustrator to create the graphic part and printed. And some pieces I modeled by hand using a material called biscuit. I used it to create the cars and other pieces.  I used biscuit to finish some pieces too. Making them better looking.

MMW : Is it completely finished now or what kind of things do you want to add to it in the future?

Peique : The main game is finished. But I want to add more playable characters, new tracks, new powers and new items too.

MMW : Have you thought about approaching Capcom with this?  The last board game did pretty well on KickStarter and even made it into stores.

Peique : Yes. Actually I'm trying to approach Capcom with this. I'm waiting for their answer.

MMW : That's awesome news, we wish you the best of luck.  Please us know however we can help you in the future, this is a project we'd love to see more of!

To keep up to date with the Mega Man Race news be sure and check out their FaceBook page or keep your eyes peeled here for any progression of this project!

The Mega Man Race FB Page :

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